




El Área ha procurado la vinculación con otras instituciones, a través de Seminarios y Workshops con estudiantes de Alemania (Stuttgart y Munich), Polonia (Wroclaw), Chicago (Illinois), Cartagena (Colombia), Volos (Grecia), y Maracaibo (Venezuela) e intercambios académicos, logrando hasta hoy vínculos importantes con cerca de 15 instituciones nacionales y extranjeras.



The Department has sought links with other institutions through seminars and workshops with students from Germany (Stuttgart and Munich), Poland (Wroclaw), Chicago (Illinois), Cartagena (Colombia), Volos (Greece) and Maracaibo (Venezuela ) in academic exchanges, the area have important links with about 15 domestic and foreign institutions.







  Av. San Pablo No. 180, Col. Reynosa Tamaulipas.
Del. Azcapotzalco 02200, México, D.F.
Tel: 53 18 91 79 / 53 18 91 80
